



narrow-leaved lavender, propagation by cuttings, growth biostimulant, planting period, planting scheme, inflorescence yield.


The tendency to change weather and climatic conditions stimulated the study of the feasibility of growing narrow-leaved lavender in the Western Forest-Steppe. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of weather and climatic conditions of the zone, in particular Khmelnytsky region, to determine the impact of certain agrotechnical and biological measures on the growth, development and productivity of lavender plants. As a result of the research, the best time for harvesting cuttings was established, and a more effective growth biostimulant for rooting of narrow-leaved lavender cuttings was identified. Thus, the best time for harvesting cuttings was summer (July), the percentage of rooting of cuttings in the control variant was 76%, which was 5% higher than the rooting rate of cuttings in the spring (April) When using biostimulants, the drug Kornevin was more effective, the percentage of rooting of cuttings in summer harvesting was 98%, which was 19% higher than the control, and in spring harvesting the index exceeded the control variant by 17%. Vimpel provided a percentage of rooting of cuttings of 90 and 83, respectively, which is 11 and 8% higher than the control. When studying the influence of planting time and scheme on the formation of plant habitus and yield of lavender inflorescences, the expediency of the autumn planting period was established. It was proved that the planting scheme of 60×60 cm yielded the best yield of inflorescences per hectare, despite the fact that the plant habit was almost identical to the scheme of 75×75 cm. The excess of yield in the variants planted according to the 60×60 cm scheme was due to a larger number of plants per unit area. Thus, the optimum yield of narrow-leaved lavender inflorescences was provided by the variants of the autumn planting period according to the 60×60 cm scheme, the yield on average over the years of research for the third year of vegetation was 4.9 t/ha, i.e. 0.2 t/ha more than in the control. As a result of the records, observations and analyzes during the three years of lavender narrow-leaved vegetation, the expediency of growing the crop in the Western Forest-Steppe on low-humus black soil of heavy loamy mechanical composition was established.


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