corn hybrids, climatic conditions, ways of increasing productivity, forecasts, fertilization, cost effectiveness.Abstract
The article analyzes the ways to increase the yield of corn hybrids in conditions of climate warming. In the conditions of an unstable and changing climate, an equally important characteristic of corn is stress resistance. Corn must be grown in Ukraine taking into account the climatic conditions. The relevance of this issue is determined by the fact that corn in Ukraine is one of the most productive crops used in industry and agriculture. Corn is used for various purposes: food, fertilizer, biofuel, fodder and raw materials, which means there is a great need for growing this crop. In particular, corn has agrotechnological significance as it cleans the soil. As a result of the analysis of the state of affairs in this area, it was established that the indicators of sowing, harvest, export of corn were impressive under the condition of various ways of processing, improvement of conditions for growth. The main aim of the article is to analyze the main ways of improving the yield of corn hybrids and the state of cultivation of this crop in the conditions of climate warming and full-scale war. Research methodology includes a set of methods of scientific knowledge: synthesis, descriptive, comparative and logical, that make it possible to characterize this problem, systematize, identify features, problems and further prospects. The conditions of Russia's armed aggression from February 24, 2022, the sowing of corn and crops in general underwent changes. Most of the lands of Ukraine faced shelling, mining, problems with logistics, lack of fuel. It is worth noting that the yield will be lower than in the previous ones. The article describes all possible ways to increase productivity, indicators, figures and forecasts in wartime conditions. According to conclusions, in the coming years, the entire global increase in the production of plant products will be achieved due to selection, that is, new varieties or hybrids, their useful properties and quality indicators. At the current stage of agricultural development, hybrids are the most important element of innovative technologies. The research findings can be used as materials for further research and as agricultural information for students, teachers, and agricultural specialists.
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