grain thrower, grain storage, losses during storage, shovels.Abstract
An important aspect of the development of the grain processing industry is the provision of optimal storage conditions in the post-harvest period. Maximum technical re-equipment and modernization of existing post-harvest complexes remains an effective solution to this issue. The article describes generally accepted methods of post-harvest processing of grain, in particular airing, sorting and threshing of grain. The application of grain throwers in the technological process of post-harvest processing of grain is considered, and serial designs of the working bodies of grain throwing machines are analyzed. The main shortcomings of the constructions of the working bodies of grain throwing machines, which are used today, have been determined, the main one of them is an injury to the grain due to the imperfect design of the grain thrower itself. The need to improve existing machines while maintaining performance parameters to reduce grain damage was substantiated. The design of an improved combined belt grain thrower aimed at reducing damage to processed grain is considered. A feature of the proposed design of the grain thrower is the use of a bladed grain feeding system instead of a continuous belt. The efficiency of work and the reduction of injuries is due to the elastic material, as well as the specifics of their installation – they installed with a small gap to the endless tape. The working process of the proposed design of the combined belt grain thrower was analyzed. Indicators of grain quality after its processing in the improved design of the grain-throwing machine are given. The directions for further research will be proposed, in particular, the study of the parameters of the grain thrower under different conditions of placement of the blades, as well as the study of changes in grain quality indicators.
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