


moisture provision, mycorrhiza, soil, bio preparations, hyphae, pores, root system.


Introduction. It is known that the lower soil horizons are moistened due to autumn and winter precipitation, while the upper ones – by summer precipitation. In summer, moisture intensively evaporates at high air temperatures. Only 30–50% of the moisture accumulated in the soil due to precipitation remains in the soil. In extremely dry years, this percentage can usually be much lower. In this regard, one of the main problems in agriculture is the preservation and rational use of productive moisture reserves. Purpose. To determine the effect of mycorrhization of the root system of crops by mycorrhiza-forming fungi on the formation of productive moisture reserves in the upper soil layer. Methods. Field, laboratory, and statistical. Results. The use of mycorrhizal fungi positively affected the formation of productive moisture reserves in the 0–30 cm soil layer. In particular, the use of Tuber melanosporum Vittad. fungi (bio preparation Mycovital) and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. (bio preparation Mycofriend) in the sowings of winter wheat and corn (Zea mays) at different periods of plant vegetation (30, 60, 90, and 120 days) increased the productive moisture content in the 0–30 cm soil layer by 5.3–47.8% compared to control. Such an increase in the soil moisture content was maintained by the increase in the root mass of the crops due to mycorrhization and was higher, compared to control, by 13.7–83.2% in winter wheat and 21.1–130.1% in corn. The accumulation of higher productive moisture reserves in the soil in the treatments with mycorrhiza compared to the control occurs because of the ability of fungi to create a mass of thin absorbent hyphae that penetrate the smallest pores of the soil and thus increase the absorption of nutrients and moisture. Originality. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the substantiation of original conceptual statements which are of theoretical and practical significance. Conclusion. Mycorrhizal fungi contribute to the accumulation of productive moisture reserves in the upper soil layer via the increase in the root mass of crops and the formation of absorptive filamentous hyphae that penetrate the smallest pores of the soil.


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