root chicory, sort, soil moisture, crop capacity, organic fertilizers.Abstract
The article presents the field studies results on the role of soil moisture on the yield of root chicory plants and the determination of the water forms content in plants on plots of different soil fertility with the organic fertilizers application of 20 t/ha. It has been established that with the most intensive growth and development of plants in fertilized areas during the growing season, a higher percentage of total and free water and less bound water were accumulated in the soil compared to areas where organic fertilizers were not applied. In terms of total water content in plants, the difference was insignificant, especially in the daytime. Thus, the organic fertilizers introduction into the soil under root chicory in order to obtain high yields makes it possible to better retain soil moisture in the soil, which further affects to the crop yield. The amount of necessary moisture in the soil is one of the main factors for the growth and development of common beans. The process of seed germination will begin with swelling. When swollen, it absorbs 100-120% of moisture in relation to its own weight. That is why bean seeds come together when sown in sufficiently warmed soil. It takes 6-10 days from the moment of sowing to germination under favorable conditions, and germination is delayed up to 14-20 days in cool weather. Optimum humidity on different soils for the most friendly germination of seeds ranges from 25 to 75% of full moisture capacity. So, on a fertilized field, common bean seeds germinate better at 75%, on heavy soils - at 50%, on light - 25%, on clay soils equally at 25 and 75% humidity from full moisture capacity. Also, the beans’ need for moisture largely depends on the phases of development. It is especially demanding on moisture during the period of seed germination and emergence of seedlings, in the budding phase of flowering and ripening. From germination to flowering, beans are less demanding on moisture compared to other periods of development.
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