agrocenose of corn, organic fertilizers, bioactive, bioproperty, biohrome, trivalent chromium, photosynthetic productivity.Abstract
The results of research on the effects of "Bioaktyv", "Bioproferm", "Biohrom" organic fertilizers produced according to the latest technology, the photosynthetic rates of Liubava hybrid corn in Western Forest are given in the study. It has been found that the highest photosynthetic productivity of corn agrocenosis received with the help of "Bioproferm" (10 t/ha) organic fertilizer produced by biological fermentation and liquid "Biohrom" (5 l/ha) organic fertilizer produced by cavitation in a dose. The surface area of corn leaf in the phase of 7-8 leaves was at 0.66 thousand m2/ha higher in the ejection phase panicles respectively 7.68 thousand m2/ha, in the phase of milky ripeness it was 10,1 thousand m2/ha more compared to control. The photosynthetic capacity of crops was 2.814 mln.m2/ha days that 0.989 mln.m2/ha days compared to the control and 0.334 mln.m2/ha days compared to the option for making N120P80K80. The application of organic fertilizers also affected on the formation of pure productivity of corn photosynthesis for grain. Thus, on average, in the four-year study in the phase of vomiting of vaginal culture, this indicator varied from 9.8 g/m2 per day (option without fertilizer application) to 11.54-11.87 g/m2 per day in the variants of organic fertilizer application. In the same variant, the processes of accumulation of dry matter by plants were the most intense in the milk ripeness phase - 16.37 t/ha, or 5.47 t/ha more compared to control. Our experimental data confirm that the accumulation of dry matter in corn during the vegetation period was uneven and the general crop was formed from increments of dry substances into separate phases of development.
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