malt, soaking, mass transfer, gas exchange, semipermeable shells.Abstract
The authors conducted a study to ascertain the balance between the amount of oxygen consumed in the process of grain respiration with such amount of О2, which is necessary to deliver by water, the presence of an osmodiffusion effect in the processes of soaking and the existence of the diffusion transferring of oxygen through the grains shells. The growth of moisture in the processes of soaking, which enhances the course of biochemical processes and grain respiration, which by-turn requires the increased oxygen consumption, served the informational base of this study. The paper presents the results of the study on ascertaining of the balance between the amount of oxygen consumed in the process of grain respiration with such amount of О2, which is necessary to deliver by steeping water, as well as the facts of existence of diffusion transferring of oxygen through the grains shells. The solubility of gases in water and the effect of medium temperature on mass transferring are considered as sources of data. The research methodology is based on the theoretical developments and scientific tools for the prospects for the intensification of mass exchange streams assessing, as well as the differentiated analysis of the influence of mass transferring processes on the components of the whole set. The necessity of aeration of the environment in additional conditions to the atmospheric hydrostatic pressures is substantiated. The hypotheses, concerning the course of mass transferring processes, are formed in the article, but the lack of a complete balance indicates the existence of other ways of oxygen transporting through the grains shells. It is proved by means of the correlation-regression model that conjugated material flows of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide are related to grain grains as well as heat flux. The indicated streams are non-stationary in connection with changes in driving factors. The results of the study show that the solving of the problem of limiting the amount of dissolved СО2 can only be achieved through aeration.
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