


model, potato, potato harvesting equipment, lump, destruction, bulbous layer, picking potatoes, structural and technological scheme.


Introduction. In order for Ukraine to successfully enter the Western markets, it is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of its own products, which is achieved through the comprehensive mechanization of technological processes, the reduction of labor costs, and the increase of the yield and quality of the obtained products. Purpose. The purpose of the publication is the model of improvement of the structural and technological schemes of the crushing working bodies and the intended promising directions of root and tuber harvesting machines. Research methodology. The research was carried out through technological and structural analysis of technologies and machines for harvesting potatoes. In the process of research, general methods of research, comparison, modeling of structural and technological schemes of breast crushing working bodies, comparative analysis were used. Results. Analysis of the problems of mechanized harvesting of potatoes confirms the relevance of creating and using reliable high-performance lump-shredding working bodies that ensure a low level of damage to potato tubers. The considered designs of available working bodies for the destruction of soil clods, in most cases, have some disadvantages, as follows: low productivity and ATV in terms of the number of damages, significant dimensions, material consumption and, as a result, cost. The most promising, in our opinion, are pneumatic lump crushers with an active surface. However, it is necessary to increase the activity of the surface of the cylinder, which will allow reducing internal pressure that will lead to a reduction of tuber damage. Conclusion. Based on the comparative analysis of technologies and machines for harvesting potatoes, the main structural and technological schemes affecting the agrotechnical indicators of harvesting equipment were identified, and a model of lump-breaking working bodies (harvesting machines) was developed. The model includes the destruction of soil clods: firstly, by rollers immediately before digging up the tuber-bearing layer, secondly, by clod crushing devices (balloons, beaters or separation intensifiers) of various designs in the process of technological operations by a potato harvester. The preliminary destruction of the tuberous layer is carried out immediately before its digging and at the time of digging with support rollers of various types and other structural and kinematic parameters of the working bodies of machines.


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