
  • A.S. Mytrofanova


unemployment; youth unemployment; structural unemployment; unemployment rate; youth labor market; youth employment.


The purpose of the paper is to reveal reasons and factors of youth unemployment in Ukraine, identify problems of youth employment and develop measures of their solution. This research is based on dialectical method, system approach, analysis and synthesis, comparison, model building, statistical analysis. It was revealed that indicator of youth unemployment in many countries, including Ukraine, exceeds this indicator among adults by 2-2.5 times. Youth unemployment in Ukraine tends to decline, and its rate is lower than in EU countries. Among young fellows there are more unemployed people than among girls; in rural areas youth unemployment is higher. Demand for technical employees in labor market is high, but demand for managers is low, while a share of lawyers and economists is one third of all university graduates. The paper suggests to differentiate root causes of youth unemployment, lying in disconnected ties in "education-science-production" system and accompanying factors of current social, economic and political situation in Ukraine. The main problems faced by youth in the labor market have been systematized (lack of the first job, lack of work experience, employment in informal sector, staff turnover, social and psychological difficulties), and current situation in Ukraine has been analyzed. The system of measures to solve the problems of youth unemployment has been developed based on social dialogue, which involves all subjects of youth labor market (government, educational institutions, local authorities, employers, youth), taking into account elimination of both root causes and accompanying negative factors.


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