
  • O.A. Petrychenko


production, milk, dynamics, region, region, enterprise, economy, consumption, person.


The dairy industry of agricultural production, which is important in the social sense, is developing in accordance with the needs of processing and consumption of dairy products by the population in various regions of the country. The analysis of milk production in each region, determination of the contribution of the region to the overall production of milk and major milk producers in the regions and in the country is growing in importance. The analysis and evaluation of the volumes of regional milk production is carried out in the context of the permanent crisis in the field of dairy cattle breeding in Ukraine, which results in a constant reduction of milk production and lack of capacity of dairy processing enterprises. The methodological basis for the study of the problem is the economic and statistical methods of building of the series of dynamics, analysis and synthesis of the regional milk production, including in the agricultural enterprises and households, average annual growth rates of milk production regarding certain dynamic periods, structure of milk production in the regions and organizational formations, production and consumption of milk per person and regional milk supply of the population. The analysis has shown that the volumes of milk production in the regions have significant differences. Some regions are increasing milk production, while others are reducing. Accordingly, the share of regions in milk production in Ukraine is changing. In general, milk production is decreasing. The main suppliers in the milk market are households that produce 2.8 times more milk than agricultural enterprises. Low level of consumption of dairy products in Ukraine is generally characterized by the double regional variations between max and min. However, max is 74.1% of the rationale rate of 380 kg of milk and milk products per person in terms of milk. This level of consumption of milk and dairy products in the domestic market is limited to the purchasing power of the population. Without increasing the level of domestic consumption of milk and dairy products in terms of milk, further development of the dairy industry in Ukraine becomes a problem issue.


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