buckwheat; yield; optimization; methods of sowing; seeding rates.Abstract
It is established that the productivity of buckwheat sowing depends both on the method of sowing and the seeding rates. The results of the studies testified that the parameters of sowing affect the morphological structure of the Malinka variety of buckwheat plants. In ordinary rows of sowing plants were lower by 8-14 cm, less branched (1.2-1.9 pcs.), had less inflorescences (12.0-15.7 pcs.), and had the lowest grain size of plants (45 cm), less than in the case of wide-row sowing . On the morphological structure of plants, apart from the methods of sowing, the effect was different in the number of seeds per unit area. Thus, more productive plants were formed in ordinary row sowing at the rate of sowing - 4.2 million pcs / ha (63 pcs / m.) – had 15.7 pcs of inflorescence, respectively and 23.7 pcs. of full grains. In the wide-row seeding method for 30 and 45 cm, the most productive morphostructures of buckwheat plants, respectively, provided seeding rates of 2.4 million pcs / ha (71 pcs / mp) and 1.8 million pcs / ha (83 pcs / m .p.). The optimum method of sowing buckwheat varieties Malinka for the conditions of the western forest steppe zone, which favors the improvement of the biometric characteristics of buckwheat plants and the formation of a stable individual productivity is sowing with the following parameters: 4.2 million pcs. seeds / ha (15 cm); 2.4 million pcs / ha (30 cm) and 1.8 million pcs / ha (45 cm). The highest yield of buckwheat grains (1.68 t / ha) was achieved with wide-row sowing (45 cm spacing) and a seeding rate of 1.8 million pcs. of germinating seeds / ha.
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