
  • R. O. Myalkovsky


potato, variety, drought, adaptation, free and bound water.


The high yield is explained by the saturation of the soil with water; therefore, the study of indicators of providing plants with water during the growing season is an important area of research in modern agrarian science and is the purpose of the study. Phenological observations, biometric and physiological-biochemical studies were carried out according to the methods of L. Bondarenko, K.I. Yakovenko., V.F. Moiseychenko. The material of the investigations was the soil of the experimental field - chernozem typical vyluzhenny, slightly humus, medium loamy in forest-like loam. As the object of research used leaves of varieties: Velvet, Aladdin, Dar. The studies were carried out in the experimental field of the Podil'e Training and Production Center of the Podolsky State Agrarian and Technical University in June-September during 2015-2017. The author made a study of the fractional composition of water (total, bound and free) in the leaves of potato varieties. According to the research, it was found that the greatest total water content in the leaves (% on the wet weight of the leaves) was in plants that grew at a depth of 10-12 cm - 86.0% at 15.07 and 83.4% at 01.08, compared to plants that grew at a shallower depth of closure (2-3 cm) 77.9% at 15.07 and 78.4% at 01.08. At the same time, there was a tendency to decrease the amount of total water with age. The highest content of bound water in the autumn period was observed in varieties Aladdin and Dar. The obtained results can be used in the selection process of promising potato varieties with the aim of creating new varieties that are highly adapted to atmospheric and soil drought in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.


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