



fruit and vegetable products, storage technologies, methods of storage, freezing, storage processing methods, quality of fruit and vegetable products


The consumption of fruit and vegetable products in Ukraine is growing every year, this is due to national characteristics, the needs of the population, and modern trends in healthy nutrition. Frozen fruit and vegetable products are actively developing, and a significant part of it is frozen fruits and berries, since the quality of such products practically corresponds to the level of indicators of fresh raw materials, including organoleptic properties. That is why one of the most important tasks is the development of harvest storage technologies that will ensure the slowing down and delay of the aging phases of the fruit, which will ensure the preservation of the preparation of products for sale and storage of vegetables and fruits in order to ensure high quality products. The main methods of storing fruits and vegetables are the technologies of a controlled environment (important for preserving such qualities as hardness, acidity, color); storage in special containers; storage without mechanical cooling (in borts, kagatas, trenches and labazes) and with mechanical cooling; storage in a modified gas environment and with the use of various factors inhibiting microbiological and physiological processes; freezing; use of a refrigerating chamber with a double-circuit ventilation system and the use of external cold air; the use of microbiological preparations and genetic modification in the storage of fruits and vegetables. The most important external factor that affects the amount of losses and the shelf life of fruits and vegetables is temperature, as well as the composition of the environment (the degree of its influence is at least 2/3 of the sum of all factors that affect the storage result). When the storage temperature deviates from the values that determine favorable storage conditions, temperature stress occurs.


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