


cat, histology, carcinoma, mammary gland


The article presents the results of research into the clinical and morphological manifestation of neoplasms in cats, namely, a mammary gland tumor infiltrating a simple tubular moderately differentiated carcinoma according to histological classification and characterized by pronounced invasive growth and metastasis. Research was carried out on the basis of the private hospital of veterinary medicine “VinVet” in the city of Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia region and at the Department of Normal and Pathological Morphology and Physiology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Technologies of the Higher Education Institution “Podilskyi State University”. Physiological, clinical and pathomorphological parameters are taken into account during data analysis. In addition to the general methods of examining the animal’s condition (biochemical blood analysis, general blood analysis, ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity), histological research methods were used. It was established that the results of the general and biochemical examination of the blood are within the physiological norm, no changes in the composition of the peripheral blood were detected, which may indicate only the initial development of tumor processes. However, an increase in hemoglobin, erythrocyte and lymphocyte criteria is a sign of anemic syndrome. A similar result also indicates the presence of an oncological disease in the early stages. Macroscopically, the neoplasm is represented by tumor nodes in the right and left mammary gland. Analysis of the histosection showed that the neoplasm is represented by cells organized into tubules with one or two layers of epithelial cells with atypia and fibroblasts placed between them, from low prismatic in the area of ductal structures to polymorphic in areas with solid tissue structure, with eosinophilic cytoplasm, with normal and pathological amitoses (asymmetric mitosis, formation of chromatid bridges in anaphase).


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