small business, farming, efficiency, profitability.Abstract
Introduction. Small agricultural enterprises play an important role in the structure of the national economy, provide a significant share in the production of gross output, and form a sufficient level of market competition. However, the activity of small agrarian enterprises is unstable and often not long–term in nature, which triggers the need to evaluate their efficiency and justify the development prospects of these formations. Purpose. The aim of the article is to justify the system of indicators for evaluating the efficiency of small agricultural enterprises and assess the level of their economic benefit. Methods. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific and special methods, namely: abstract– logical, analysis and synthesis, comparative, graphic, sociological. Results. It was established that the set of indicators used to evaluate the efficiency of small agricultural enterprises should be graded by types of efficiency. The groups of indicators that must be used when assessing the economic, technological, social and environmental efficiency of small agrarian entrepreneurship are defined. It was established that small farms predominate among subjects of small agrarian entrepreneurship in Ukraine both in terms of number (92%) and area of agricultural land (92.5%). The dynamics of the level of economic efficiency of small agrarian entrepreneurship were evaluated. It was determined that the profitability of agricultural production in small farms of Ukraine in 2016 was 42.4%, and it decreased to 37% in 2020. The main problems of ensuring the effective functioning of small farms were studied. Conclusion. The economic efficiency of small agricultural enterprises is only a part of their overall efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of production in small agricultural enterprises is one of the most essential measures to reduce social tension and ensure the economic security of the state.
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