necrobacteriosis, Fusobacterium necrophorum, microbiocenosis, bioassayAbstract
Bovine necrobacteriosis is a disease that causes significant economic losses in dairy farming. It has been established that the spread of this disease occurs in large farms where highly productive animals are kept. The paper deals with the distribution of fusobacteria in the farms of Khmelnytsky region and the peculiarities of laboratory diagnostics of the pathogen. For bacteriological examination, biological material was collected in vivo - scrapings from lesions on the border of healthy and necrotic tissue. Identification of cultures was performed on the basis of morphological, tinctorial, cultural and biological properties assessed by conventional bacteriological methods, as well as using the Bergie’s determinant. Necrobacteriosis in the farms was clinically manifested in most dairy cows, with isolated cases in calves. It was found that the highest percentage of sick cows in the entire dairy herd was observed in the second lactation. Necrobacteriosis of the distal limbs was usually complicated by purulent and putrefactive microflora. Fusobacterium necrophorum was always isolated in association with other bacteria: Clostridium difficile, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and other opportunistic pathogens. Fusobacterium necrophorum was poorly identified on the basis of morphological and biochemical properties, but the biological test on rabbits gave a consistently positive result. In the presence of F. necrophorum in the pathological material or in the culture, necrosis developed in the rabbit at the puncture site in 3–4 days.
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