coordinate measuring machine, scanning, control points.Abstract
In this section, a study of physically measured objects and their mathematical models, characterized by complex spatial structures, is carried out. The basis of the new method is to use the formulas of the Lagrange function located in a certain mathematical space. An algorithm was created that includes a mathematical model with controlled bypass for efficient measurement of complex parts. This algorithm was created taking into account the characteristics of objects with complex spatial surfaces. The result is to obtain the minimum number of points necessary for high-quality measurement of the analyzed region of the object's surface. This is an important step in developing accurate and effective measurement methods in spatial surface conditions with complex and interrelated properties. The system not only allows the analysis of physical measurement objects, but also the development of practical solutions to improve KMM when measuring objects with complex spatial geometries. This helps increase the accuracy and reliability of measurements in modern technological processes and scientific research, while taking into account important measurement aspects such as different objects and interactions them in space. In particular, cases are considered when measuring objects have common or intersecting surfaces, which complicates the accurate determination of geometric parameters. The study presents new concepts and methods to improve the efficiency of measuring complex spatial surfaces. This method not only ensures accuracy but also optimizes the measurement time and resources required to perform the measurement. We also consider the problem of determining criteria to minimize measurement errors and evaluate the reliability of results, which ensures not only high accuracy, but also reliability of the data obtained, which This is important in the measurement process, where the results can influence other factors. technical or scientific decisions. Overall, this method significantly contributes to the development of modern coordinate measurement methods and their application in complex spatial conditions and high accuracy requirements.
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