chickpea, variety, foliar fertilization, micro fertilizers, growth and development, grain yield, quality indicators.Abstract
Problem. It was established that the photosynthesizing activity of chickpea sowing is the main component of the formation of its productivity. The main task is to design such crops that would use solar energy as effectively as possible to accumulate an economically valuable grain crop. This process, in turn, should be based on the study of the dependence of the formation of the leaf surface of the crop on the technological measures of technologies and abiotic factors during the ontogenesis of plants. At the same time, it was noted that the main indicator that best characterizes the condition of common chickpea crops from the point of view of their photosynthetic activity is the area of plant leaves. Currently, the photosynthetic activity of common chickpea has not been studied much. It is known that chickpea plants, like other legumes, develop leaves gradually, as the stem grows and side shoots develop. At the beginning of the growth and development of chickpea plants, the mass of their leaves and their surface increase slowly, so they have a low competitiveness compared to weeds. The highest indicators of the photosynthetic potential of common chickpea plants were obtained on the option of applying any additional measures to optimize nutrition – 0.869 million m2/ha with an increase ratio of 1.8. It was established that the highest indicators of net productivity of photosynthesis were observed in the interphase period of emergence-acquisition, the specified values for the same variants were 1.491 million m2/ha and 2.395 million m2/ha, i.e. higher than this value with a growth factor of 1.6. As a result of the conducted field research, the minimum share of influence on the formation of the leaf area was noted from the application of seed treatment with microfertilizers from 9.87% in the seedling phase to 6.43% in the ripening phase. The share of the influence of foliar fertilization coincided with the period of active growth processes of common chickpea on the interphase period of budding-bean formation and amounted to 39.9%. In the grain ripening phase, among the studied factors in the experiment, the influence of foliar fertilization was the maximum 31.31%, which confirms their role in the active functioning of the leaf apparatus of common chickpea plants in the final stages of the productive period of plant growth and development.
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