


technology, technological group of pigs, feeding, feed additive, mycotoxins, fertility, lactation, reproductive traits.


Only by properly addressing the technological problems of feeding in specific farm conditions can we ensure high feed nutrition and thereby increase the efficiency of pork production. The use of complex feed additives helps to ensure high fertility, stimulate milk production, achieve good condition and uniform weight of newborn piglets, especially when feeding sows during pregnancy and lactation. Of all farm animals, pigs are the most sensitive to mycotoxins. The current strategy for combating mycotoxicosis in pigs is based on the use of adsorbents and biotransformers of mycotoxins. The aim of the work was to continue research on the effectiveness of the complex drug “Gepasorbex” based on bioactive compounds of plant and mineral origin in the prevention of metabolic disorders, the effect of mycotoxins on sows in different physiological states and farrowing cycles and its effect on reproductive characteristics. The scientific and economic experiment was carried out during 2022-2023 within two farrowings at the industrial pork production enterprise “Victoria” in the Mykolaiv region. In total, 72 heads of two-breed sows (Large White (LW) × Landrace (L)) were used in the experiment, in combination with boars of the Maxter terminal line (Mk). With the use of the complex preparation “Gepasorbex” in sow diets, it is possible to create optimal feeding conditions and prevent negative feed factors (mycotoxins, toxins, antinutrients present in the feed) and provide optimal conditions for the process of fetal formation and, consequently, increase the growth energy of piglets with higher safety during farrowing and at subsequent stages of ontogeny. The addition of 0.15% of the feed additive Gepasorbex to the diet of sows during pregnancy and lactation has a positive effect on their metabolism. This is confirmed by higher values of the complex index of reproductive qualities. Sows of group II had an estimated total index at the first farrowing of 38.63 and at the second farrowing of 44.38 points, compared to 33.49 and 39.14 points in the control group and 36.78 and 40.84 points in animals of the III experimental group (commercial analogue), respectively.


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