rural areas, alternative energy, energy saving, united territorial communities, development, recovery.Abstract
It has been proven that alternative energy can become a permanent solution to a number of problems in the energy industry in Ukraine. In view of the problems faced by the united territorial communities during the period of Russian aggression and caused by the “blackout” periods, alternative energy is one of the most important directions in the development of territorial communities. The article examines the theoretical foundations of the positive impact of alternative energy on the development of rural areas of Ukraine, the problems of household waste processing, and the problems of the emergence of natural landfills in the territories of modern United territorial community. The results of the analysis show the advantages of one type of alternative energy over others. The dynamics of the level of development of certain types of alternative energy that are popular in Ukraine are evaluated and their development prospects are indicated. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the possibilities and analyze the development of alternative energy, its positive and negative impact on the development of rural areas. Research material and methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the work of foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners conducting research in the indicated direction. The following general scientific research methods were used to solve the set goals and tasks: statistical and comparative analysis – to analyze the dynamics of the development of alternative energy, abstract and logical – to form a theoretical array of information, assumptions, conclusions and proposals.
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