


strategic development, grain market, export, grain crops, competitiveness, market dynamics, production volumes, wheat.


The article clarifies the role and significance of the strategic development of the grain market, defines its problematic challenges and directions, considers the developed ways of strategic development of grain markets. The rationale for the importance of studying the state and development trajectories of both global and domestic grain markets against the background of the dominant challenges associated with Russian aggression and concerns about food security in the country is presented. An assessment of the market situation was carried out by analyzing production volumes and grain stocks, and a trend towards growth in dynamics was revealed. In addition, qualitative aspects of the country’s involvement in the world grain market and current trends of changes were evaluated. The structure of the market is outlined, changes in the markets of key grain crops are determined, and external challenges are outlined. Based on the results of the analysis, the directions and prospects of the strategic development of the grain market in the conditions of deepening external challenges and threats have been determined. It is emphasized that transformations in the grain market are caused by various factors of sectoral, climatic and geopolitical origin. In addition, market influences are significant. It was determined that the implementation of the proposed areas of strategic development of the grain market will ensure a higher level of predictability and stability of its operation. These initiatives, using market-oriented regulatory mechanisms, will strengthen food security and increase export competitiveness in response to a wide range of global challenges and existing market dynamics, thereby strengthening competitive positions. It has been proven that the achievement of the planned ways of strategic advancement in the grain market will contribute to the predictability of operations, increase stability and ensure effective market regulation. This approach contributes to increasing the competitiveness of exports in the face of multifaceted global challenges.


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