investments, involved investments, investor countries, spheres of economic activity, investment climate.Abstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of investment issues in the economy of Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to the state and prospects of foreign investment, the investment attractiveness of Ukraine was investigated, the dynamics of direct foreign investment to/from Ukraine in 2018-2023 was analyzed. The structure of direct foreign investment in Ukraine by types of economic activity was highlighted. The war had quite a significant impact on all branches of the economy in Ukraine, it undoubtedly brought with it huge losses and losses for the country. It also became risky for investors, for conducting business during the war, there can be many losses from an unexpected jump in the dollar exchange rate and inflation to a Russian missile hitting an investment object. Bank rules and legislation regarding the withdrawal of funds often change, so you need to know all the nuances perfectly and constantly keep everything under control. But still, a correctly constructed strategy can bring income even now. Military actions in the country have a negative impact on the economy, therefore, as of now, the primary goal is to ensure the necessary volumes of exports, which will not only improve the economic climate of Ukraine, but also cover the necessary food needs on the world market. There is an urgent need to restore damaged granaries, factories, build new ones, start a reserve of equipment, replace destroyed units and machines. It is necessary to ensure railway transportation with the necessary cargo capacity, which unfortunately currently has difficulties due to different types of tracks in the territories of different countries, in particular Europe. The attractiveness and inflow of foreign investments, the activation of medium and small business activities, as well as the renewal of outdated equipment using modern technologies at domestic enterprises are quite necessary and extremely vital for achieving the short-term and long-term priorities of state policy, getting out of the current state of crisis.
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