


dogs, infectious pathologies of alimentary tract, blood parameters, leukogram, coprogram.


Introduction. The body’s reaction to any disease is assessed not only by clinical signs, but also by the results of studies of the body’s biological substrates, which often allow revealing the degree and nature of pathological changes that occur in all systems and organs, which is important when choosing the most effective treatment regimen, as well as to identify subclinical disorders and contraindications to the use of certain drugs. Purpose. The purpose of work – to investigate the main blood parameters and coprogram in infectious pathologies of the alimentary tract in dogs. Methods. Experimental research was conducted during 2019–2021. Two groups of animals have been formed for research: control (healthy animals) and experimental (dogs with infectious enteritis). Haemato-biochemical and coprological studies have been performed using generally accepted methods. Results. In the process of studying the main blood parameters of dogs clinically suffering from infectious pathologies of the alimentary tract, moderate erythrocytopenia, persistent leukocytopenia, oligochromemia, hypoproteinemia, a decrease in blood colour index, haematocrit value, and an increase in ESR have been found. Leukogram parameters indicate the development of moderate neutrophilia, clearly expressed lymphocytopenia, which probably leads to the occurrence of immunosuppression and, accordingly, a more severe course of the disease. In the complex diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis in dogs, studies of the excrement of sick animals are relevant, which make it possible to assess the functional state of the digestive system in these pathologies. The coprogram of dogs with an acute course of infectious enteropathies, compared to healthy animals on the same diet, has been characterized by an increased content of protein, stercobilinogen, bilirubin, undigested starch, soaps and neutral fat. Conclusion. Thus, changes in blood parameters and coprogram in infectious pathologies of the alimentary tract of dogs should be objectively taken into account when choosing therapeutic agents for their effective treatment.


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