


management, enterprise, personnel, professional development, educational characteristics, meat processing enterprise.


The article analyzes the current state of personnel management at a meat processing enterprise and develops proposals for increasing personnel productivity in the context of the unstable economic situation in the country by improving the system of motivation, training and professional development of employees and intensifying their creative activity, which will increase the level of efficiency of the enterprise and create a foundation for future development. The personnel management system of processing enterprises is a management subsystem responsible for the efficient use of a specific resource personnel. Despite the focus of this system on human resources, it also ensures the interaction of other enterprise systems aimed at financial, production, economic, and innovative results. Formation and functioning of the personnel management system of a meat processing enterprise involves setting goals, and objectives, development of the organizational structure and structural elements specialized in performing homogeneous functions. It has been determined that to manage personnel, increase the efficiency of employees, the coherence of the management process, the work of structural units, and improve production and economic activities, it is advisable to apply a mechanism for managing the efficiency of using the personnel of meat processing enterprises. The use of this mechanism requires coordinated work of its structural elements and makes it possible to improve the efficiency of personnel management, plan and organize the work of employees, increase the efficiency of personnel, increase the profitability of activities, and achieve economic effect in the long term. Based on the analysis, the sequence of its formation has been improved before building the personnel management system of Verest LLC. The use of the improved sequence consists of structuring the process of system formation, taking into account the influence of external and internal environment factors, improving the development of the enterprise, outlining the expected results and allowing to development of a management system that will ensure its successful functioning, guarantee its effectiveness and ensure further development of the enterprise. The expediency of managing the efficiency of staff utilization by the results of the analysis at “Verest” LLC is substantiated. The enterprise pays enough attention to the organization, planning, and use of personnel, there are significant problems in its activities, so it is advisable to introduce modern methods, systems, and management mechanisms, and improve the process of using employees.


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