bioeconomy, marketing management, marketing management mechanism, marketing tools.Abstract
The article presents a theoretical generalization and substantiation of conceptual provisions regarding the formation of a marketing mechanism for managing the development of the bioeconomy. Its main components and interrelationships in the management system are analyzed. It was established that the bioeconomy defines the economy that is related to the production and processing of bioresources based on the application of biotechnologies. It has been proven that the development of the bioeconomy can provide solutions to many socio-economic issues and sustainable development of the country’s economy. It is an important factor in ensuring the stable development of Ukraine in the long term. Bioeconomy is a new strategy, the main task of which is to successfully solve the problems of sustainable economic, ecological and social development of the country. It has been established that in the modern conditions of the market economy, the management of enterprises based on the principles of marketing management acquires great importance. It is important to study the organization of marketing management as an innovative approach to managing the development of the bioeconomy. This will allow to achieve optimal economic performance and a positive social effect. It has been proven that marketing management is an innovative approach to the management of enterprises that are part of the bioeconomy system. The task of organizing the management of the development of the bioeconomy is the formation of a management mechanism. The tools of the organization of marketing management, which are important means of marketing management, are characterized. The goals and objectives are defined, which are solved with the help of the marketing management mechanism. It has been proven that an important task regarding the organization of enterprise management is the formation of a management mechanism. A conceptual model of the marketing mechanism for managing the development of the bioeconomy has been created. The components of the model are priorities, goals, tasks and a system of marketing tools that provides their solution.
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