


digital technologies; strategic management; agricultural enterprises, information support.


The article explores the broader aspects of incorporating digital technologies into the strategic management system of agricultural enterprises. It emphasizes that the development strategy for these enterprises should rely on providing information support for their business processes. The introduction of precision farming technologies is highlighted as not only contributing to economic efficiency but also enhancing land use efficiency at the enterprise, regional, and national levels, leading to increased production of valuable agricultural products and contributing to public health. The utilization of software products and computer technology is emphasized for reducing enterprise costs and improving overall operational efficiency. The importance of creating information support for agricultural producers through continuous digitalization of rural areas, training and retraining of agricultural workers, establishment of a system database, and the formation of a unified information space for agribusiness is underscored. The article provides an algorithm for incorporating digital technologies into the enterprise’s production strategy, encompassing the definition of innovation management goals, designation of responsible individuals, formation of electronic documents, and regulation of operations. Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of implementing digital technologies in agricultural enterprises are presented. The article argues for the expediency of making management decisions based on the digitalization of agricultural production, which, in turn, enhances the competitiveness of agricultural products in the market. Finally, it outlines strategic management directions for business processes in agricultural enterprises, emphasizing the use of information technologies to foster the development of a digital agribusiness ecosystem.


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