sales activity, agricultural enterprise, information marketing system, CRM-system, marketing strategy.Abstract
The article examines the mechanism of analysis and management decision-making through the implementation of marketing information systems in the activities of agricultural enterprises. A comparative description of the most popular marketing information systems for agribusiness is carried out. The functions performed by the components of the marketing information system at various stages of the process of development, adoption and implementation of innovative marketing solutions in the field of sales of agricultural products are characterized. The role of information systems in agribusiness management is highlighted, which consists in identifying and obtaining information needs for managing sales activities and providing managers with the information necessary for decisionmaking in a timely manner. It is substantiated that the development and implementation of elements of marketing information systems in the practical activities of agricultural enterprises will provide quick access to data on market conditions and a qualitative advantage over competitors. Recommendations are provided for the implementation of the ERP system in agricultural enterprises as an important component of information support for sales activities, which is a basic methodological platform for creating more complex information. It was determined that the implementation of a marketing strategy based on a functional approach is carried out by studying specific blocks of the enterprise’s marketing information system, which should comprehensively reflect all business operations and opportunities. A model of the information marketing system for managing the sales activity of agrarian enterprises is proposed through the restructuring of the supply and sales strategies of farms and the application of the principles of the CRM system, and the main variants of the effects of its implementation in agrarian enterprises are also highlighted. It has been proven that the development and implementation of the marketing strategy of an agricultural enterprise through the implementation of information systems will allow to combine various strategic alternatives, an effectively operating system of sales activity management through the implementation of marketing information systems will be able to ensure long-term profit and a stable position of the enterprise on the market.
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