tourism, rural tourism business, social tourism, economic tourism.Abstract
This study is aimed at revealing the potential of tourism business for the balanced and sustainable development of rural areas. A variety of theoretical approaches are considered, which reveal important aspects of the interaction of tourism and agriculture, contributing to the creation of new opportunities for the growth of the local economic sector. The study of socio-economic aspects of tourism business in the countryside allows to understand the impact of tourism on the local population, its employment and income provision. Analysis of factors such as infrastructure development, support of local entrepreneurship and preservation of ecological balance contributes to the development of strategies aimed at the balanced development of rural communities. As part of the study, the aspects of attracting tourists to the study of traditions, local culture and revealing the potential of natural resources of rural regions are also considered. The development of tourist business can contribute to the preservation of historical and ethnographic values and stimulate the development of small entrepreneurship in the countryside. The obtained results can serve as a basis for the development of recommendations and strategies aimed at the implementation of positive and effective initiatives to promote tourism business in the countryside, which will contribute to the sustainable development of these territories and increase the quality of life of their residents. At the same time, this process contributes to the replenishment of the state budget and the budgets of territorial communities in general. Special attention is paid to the economic development of the tourist business, which is the main source of additional income for rural territorial communities. Profits from tourism services, hotels, restaurants and other establishments can contribute to the development of the local economy, create new jobs and increase the level of income in communities. Tourism can also bring social benefits to residents of rural communities. In particular, this may include promoting mutual understanding and interaction between local residents and tourists, as well as creating new opportunities for the development of education and cultural exchange. Increasing interest in rural areas can attract investments that will contribute to the development of projects in the field of tourism.
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