


feeding mode, feeding technique, service dogs, diet, and maintenance of dogs.


The article analyzes the mode and technique of feeding dogs in the conditions of a cynology training laboratory, taking into account economic efficiency. The dog’s diet should include food with a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. When replacing meat with by-products in the diet, their number increases by 40–55%, depending on the calorie content. Meat can be replaced with the same amount of fish. When analyzing the ration for dogs during the performance of official duties, it was noted that the following indicators are in excess: exchangeable energy (+560 kJ), fat (+52.2 g), not enough easily digestible carbohydrates (–53.8 g), as well as crude fiber (–11.3 g). All other indicators are normal. A one-time ration of fodder was 1394 grams. During the resting period, the diet lacked energy 428 kJ, fiber 7.5 g. In excess, fat 19.4 g, phosphorus 19.8 g, and vitamin D 82 mg. The one-time supply of fodder was 1384 grams. The mode and technique of feeding dogs meet generally accepted requirements. An adult dog in laboratory conditions is fed twice a day, with an interval of 11–12 hours. Food is given to the dog after a walk. Sedentary dogs are fed 1 time in the morning, but it is better to divide the daily diet into 2 meals. This will help reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Puppies, starting from the age of 30 days, are fed at least 5–6 times. At the age of 3–4 months, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 3–4 doses, and at 5–6 months, they are fed 2–3 times. Lactating females are fed 4–5 times a day, while observing the feeding regime. It is best to feed bitches a few minutes after feeding the puppies. The costs of rations of service dogs for 30 days were also calculated at the prices of 2023 based on 1 head. The obtained data indicate that the most expensive products for dogs are meat and fish.


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