



breeder bulls, ejaculate, sperm productivity, quality of sperm, dynamics, sperm productivity index.


The article examines the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm productivity of breeding bulls. The study was carried out on livestock of 8 full-aged stud bulls of the different breeds of Ukrainian and Dutch selection, owned by “Ukrainian Genetic Company” LLC of the Zhytomyr region. Animals were in the same conditions of keeping and use. Native sperm was assessed according to DSTU 3535-97. Quality characteristics of ejaculates were analyzed on computer sperm analyzer IVOS (Hamilton Thorne Research, USA). The sperm productivity index of breeding bulls was evaluated by the method of the experts of the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics nd. a. M. V. Zubets of National Academy of Agrarian Science. Studies have found that for 3 full years 1909 high-quality ejaculates, 11732,7 ml of native sperm were obtained from experimental bulls and 623781 sperm doses were frozen. The highest sperm productivity of bulls was recorded at the age of 2 years, with an average of 3053 sperm doses per month. It was revealed that with age, the volume of ejaculate and sperm concentration in bulls increases, reaching its maximum at the third year (5,46 ml and 3,37 billion/ml, respectively). The maximum motility of sperm in the ejaculates of bulls at the second year of using (8 points). Studies have shown that individual indicators of sperm productivity of bulls differ significantly. The variation of the received sperm doses during the period of use is 44,9–135,5 thousand units, the volume of the ejaculate is 3,17–6,90 ml, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate is 1,95-3,28 billion/ml, the motility is 7,3–8,1 points. It was established that experimental bulls have rather high sperm productivity index which averages 13,08 bln of motile spermatozoids in ejaculate. The highest values have Reich UA 8012584664, Surrender NL597119785 and Droner NL606442202, the lowest have Montreal NL631005528 and Martin UA8015704922.


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