


winter wheat, growth regulators, climatic factors, overwintering conditions, sowing dates


The article covers the issue of the application of retardant regulators on winter wheat crops under atypical climatic conditions and late sowing dates. As a result of field research, the timely introduction of growth regulators in the middle of the tillering phase (ВВСН 13–25) after the spring recovery of winter wheat plants affected the stress resistance of plants; prevented the laying process during the growing season; an increase in the elements of the crop structure was observed. It was established that during the research on the state of plants of winter wheat of the Keramik variety after the restoration of spring vegetation, plant survival of 319–321 units/m2 was noted in the experimental plots, the percentage of survival was 85.9–89.7%. Studies have shown that the number of spikelet’s in a spike increased by 0.5 pcs.; the number of grains in the ear did not increase and was at the level of 44 pcs. in both versions; the mass of grains from one ear also did not increase and was within 1.9 g; the mass of 1000 grains increased by 0.4 g. Therefore, the elements of the structure of the crop of the Ceramic variety were higher when using the regulator Medax Top compared to Chlormequat-Chloride 750. Studies have shown that the drug Medax Top provided better protection against lodging of winter wheat (0%), while Chlormequat-Chloride 750 showed plant lodging within 5%. Studies of the effect of growth regulators on the yield of winter wheat and grain quality indicators showed an increase in the variant with the Medax Top preparation. Namely, the yield index on the variant was higher by 0.15 t/ha, the protein content in the raw materials increased by 0.2%, and the raw gluten content by 0.5%. The results of field studies confirm the high economic effect of the use of retardant regulators that affect yield, biological and ecological value of grain products. We recommend the use of Medax Top retardant on varieties of the intensive type of winter wheat when sowing in late periods.


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