


vegetable kidney beans, growth and development, varieties, plant density, growing season, leaf surface area, photosynthetic potential, dry matter


Growth, development, and yield of high-productive varieties of green beans are formed in specific soil and climatic conditions of cultivation. However, the growth and development of plants are also influenced by agrotechnical methods, among which the selection of scientifically based plant density plays an important role. The correct selection of the optimal density is one of the main tasks of growing beans, which will depend on the intensity of plant growth and development, the yield and shoulder beans of green beans. In addition, soil fertility, meteorological conditions and other factors play an important role. Thus, the formation of the crop takes place with their close interaction with the environment, and ultimately affects the productivity of plants and their demands for – light, heat, moisture and nutrients. It was established that the field seed germination of Gotyka, Dar and Kaprica varieties was the highest – 82–84%, and the preservation of bean plants during the growing season ranged from 80.1% to 86.0%, depending on the variety and plant density. The indicators of the leaf surface area show that in the varieties Gotyka, Dar and Kaprica, the intensity of area development was noted in the flowering phase and were, respectively: 25.0–27.3 thousand m2/ha, 27.1–30.0 and 26.0–28.2 thousand m2/ha. In the phase of technical maturity of plants, this indicator increased regardless of the density. The maximum values of the photosynthetic potential for the Gotyka variety were at a plant density of 300 thousand/ha, which was 960, Dar – 998, and Kaprica variety 962 thousand m2/ha*day. The indicators of the net productivity of photosynthesis depended on the growth of varietal characteristics of plants.


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