


cows, milk yield, fat content, protein content, line, bull-breeder


The article studies the productive performance for Ukrainian black-and-white cows of different lines in the conditions of the research farm “Pasichna” of the Horticulture Institute for National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (Stara Syniava district of Khmelnytsky region). It was found that the milk yield of cows for the last completed lactation was 6484 kg with a fat content of 3.69 and protein of 3.20%. The highest productivity of cows is observed in the third lactation – 6700 kg, which is 3.2% more than the average for the herd and 8.3% more than in the first lactation, the fat and protein content in milk is 3.69 and 3.20%. The largest group of animals is the Chief line – 279 heads. Cows of this line exceed their peers in milk yield by 244–1210 kg (P<0,01). The fat and protein content in milk is in the range of 3.67–3.69% and 3.20%, respectively. The analysis of cow milk yield showed that despite the same feeding and housing conditions, the productivity of animals descended from different bulls is not the same. The highest milk yields are characteristic of the daughters of Charmin Tw Twl bulls of the Starbuck line and Malachite of the Chief line, whose milk yields are 6673 and 6153 kg, respectively. The advantage of this group of cows in terms of milk yield compared to the average herd is 1430 kg (P<0.01) and 910 kg (P<0.05). The lowest indicators of milk productivity are the daughters of the bull G.V. Dasher of the Elegant line, whose milk yield is 3834 kg, which is 1409 kg less than the average for the herd (P<0.01). Analyzing the correlation coefficients, it was found that with increasing milk yield, the quality indicators of fat and protein content among daughters of bulls Malachite of the Chief line and Charmin Tw Twl of the Starbuck line increase (r = 0.187...0.453). The analysis of the relationship between the live weight of cows of different origins and milk yield indicators shows that the highest correlation coefficients are observed between the live weight of cows and milk yield (r = 0.077–0.256). It was found that the largest share of influence is due to paternal ancestry. Its share of influence on milk yield is 24.1%, protein content – 22.9 and fat – 16.5%. The second place is occupied by belonging to a line, its influence on the above productive indicators is 21.4; 11,7 and 9.4%, respectively.


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