



homogenate of drone larvae, heavy metals, concentration, production


In Ukraine and the world, in recent years there has been a growing interest in finding alternative sources of complete protein. One such source is drone larvae, which are raised by honey bees. They are not only a source of protein, but also have a high concentration of biologically active compounds, such as vitamins, minerals and other useful components. The protein apiproduct obtained from drone larvae contains a perfectly balanced amino acid and fatty acid composition. Homogenate of drone larvae is one of the little-known products of beekeeping, which is obtained from drone larvae aged from 3 to 7 days. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of the flowering period of nectarine on the production of homogenate of drone larvae and the concentration of heavy metals in it. The homogenate of drone larvae was produced in two periods during the flowering of the nectar-pollen stalks of winter rape and forage, linden and buckwheat. Larvae of drone larvae were obtained using construction frames. Larvae were selected on the 7th day of their life. In the conducted studies, the effect of the flowering of a certain species of nectarine on the production of homogenate of drone larvae and the concentration of heavy metals in it was studied. The production of homogenate of drone larvae per season per family was 0.945 kg, of which 77% occurred during the flowering period of linden and buckwheat and 23% – during the winter and spring rapeseed rape. The most homogenate was produced in families with a strength of 9.5 hives, with an advantage of 47.9% and 71.3% of bee families with a strength of 6.5 and 4.5 hives, respectively. The content of heavy metals in the homogenate did not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations. A lower content of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper was found in the homogenate produced during the flowering period of winter rapeseed and spring forage. In the homogenate of drone larvae produced during the flowering of winter rapeseed and forage, the hazard ratio was lower by 29.6% for lead, 40% for cadmium, 26.0% for zinc, and 14.2% for copper, compared to the flowering period of linden and buckwheat.


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