


performance, amino acids, protein, amino acid profile, meat quality


Feeding animals rations with a high content of lysine in crude protein contributes to the production of high-quality pork with a low fat content. Because muscle growth requires a constant supply of amino acids from the blood, the plasma amino acid profile is a critical factor in maximizing growth performance in animals, including pigs. The more intensive formation of muscle tissue in pigs occurs due to the higher level of lysine content in the crude protein of the diet, this statement is proven by the results of the conducted research. After analyzing the average daily gains of the control and experimental groups, it is possible to draw a conclusion about. When the experimental animals were slaughtered, the obtained results convincingly proved the difference in favor of the experimental group in the slaughter yield, weight and carcass yield. On the basis of the obtained indicators, it was established that the physiologically justified content of lysine at the level of 6.6% in the raw protein of the diet should be during rearing and fattening pigs, which ensures a lower level of deamination of amino acids, and, as a result, a higher level of protein synthesis in muscle tissues. Quality indicators of the longest muscle of the back prove positive abrics. The quality indicators of the longest back muscle testify to the positive effect of the level of 6.6% lysine in the crude protein of fodder in the diet of pigs of the experimental group compared to the control group with the content of 4.8% lysine in the diet. Experimentally, a positive effect of an increased level of lysine at the level of 6.6% in the raw protein of the ration feed on the quality of the longest muscle of the back due to an increase in the content of total moisture by 4.5%, protein by 1.3% and a decrease in the amount of fat by 3%, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality pork with a reduced fat content.


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