


sow, progesterone, 17β-estradiol, protein, albumins, “Stimulin Vet” drug, high fertility, multiple fertility, survival of piglets, correlation


The reproductive capacity of animals as a whole is characterized by low heritability and repeatability. The discrepancy of almost two times between the potential and actual fertility of sows is caused by the negative effect of environmental factors: highcalorie concentrate type of feeding, fixed maintenance of sows during the insemination period and during the suckling period, regular movements of livestock, year-round keeping of animals in closed rooms, which leads to a decrease manifestation of the genetically embedded capabilities of the reproductive function of sows. As a result, the actual fertility rate of pigs is 8–12 piglets per farrowing, which is only 30–40% of their biological potential. Therefore, the intensification of the pig farming industry should provide for the maximum use of the biological characteristics of pigs not only through the provision of progressive methods of breeding and feeding, but also through the use of new biotechnological methods of stimulating the reproductive capacity of animals, which will allow rational use of means of production, reduce the cost of production and improve working conditions, and make the industry pig farming economically efficient and competitive. The purpose of the research was to develop a new direction of stimulating the reproductive capacity of animals, which is based on the use of a drug with a metabolic neurotropic effect – “Stimulin Vet”. It was established that feeding a large white sow during artificial insemination with the biologically active drug of neurotropic and metabolic action “Stimulin Vet” in a dose of 20 ml on day 1–3 of the sexual cycle, starting from the day after the first insemination, increases the concentration of progesterone and 17β in the blood – estradiol on days 4 and 7 of the sexual cycle by 38.8%, 23.7% and 14.3%, respectively. Progesterone-estrogen balance in animals of both groups on the 7th day of the sexual cycle probably doubled. In experimental sows on the 4th and 7th days of the sexual cycle, it was higher, respectively, by 38.8% and 23.7%, than in the control. The increase in the content of estrogen is also confirmed by the increase in the content of total protein and albumin by 8.6% and 9.5% on the 4th day of the sexual cycle and 6.2% and 1.8% on the 7th day of the sexual cycle. This confirms the correlation coefficient between the content of albumins and estrogens in the blood of sows, which on the 4th day of the sexual cycle was positively moderate r=0.687, since albumins are their carriers. As a result, the reproductive capacity of experimental sows improves, namely, multiple fertility, large fertility, and survival of piglets increase by 16.7%, 6.1%, and 24%, respectively, due to stimulation of the morphological development of the embryo, when feeding the biologically active drug “Stimulin Vet” within four days after artificial insemination.


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