



export, export potential, agricultural industry, uncertainty, risks, risk management


The article clarifies the export potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in conditions of uncertainty and risks. The study focuses on the analysis of factors that affect the export of agricultural products from Ukraine, in particular, the level of instability in the markets, tariff barriers, climatic and natural factors, as well as political and economic risks. The authors analyze the opportunities for increasing the export of agricultural products from Ukraine by reducing the impact of uncertainty and risks, using the latest technologies, improving the quality of products and diversifying export markets. The authors use a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, in particular, the analysis of statistical data, which indicates a decrease in income from agricultural exports, despite the fact that there is an increase in exports by sea, as well as an increase in exports by container transportation, rail and road transport. The structure of exports shows that the country mainly specializes in agriculture, has a low level of production of high-tech products and annually increases import needs. The advantages of state programs and support, the need for investments in infrastructure and technologies, the importance of international partnership for the development of export potential, as well as the negative effects of a decrease in the export of agricultural products on social and economic development are considered. The relevance of the research in connection with changes in international markets, changes in legislation and the political context, which may affect the export activity of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, is emphasized. For a deeper study of the current threats to economic stability in the foreign economic sphere of the country, it is proposed to identify new specific threats, as well as to develop risk maps, based on an expert survey of specialists.


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