



high-pressure apparatus, multilayer structures, cylindrical shells, mass transfer, Lamés formula


High-pressure equipment is widely used in the field of agricultural processing, food production, in various industries. The perfection of their design depends on the reliability of the devices, the safety of service personnel, productivity and ultimately the cost of production. A feature of the design of devices is that their calculation is governed by numerous regulatory documents – state and industry standards, norms etc. The result of the presented work is the conclusion that it is more expedient to design a high-pressure apparatus on the basis of a rolled structure or a structure using ring reinforcement. Weight ratios are determined. Devices in three-layer design are strong and the least metal-intensive, which significantly reduces weight. As a result of modeling and calculation, high-pressure devices in the form of a rolled cylinder and a cylinder reinforced with rings are analyzed, and equivalent stresses and tensions are determined. The use of the presented theoretical calculations makes it possible to fulfill all the requirements imposed by the current regulatory documents, will reduce the metal consumption of equipment, increase the reliability of its operation and reduce the cost, and, finally, improve the quality of the products. The basis of calculations is the correct choice and compilation of calculation schemes, processing of different types of structures and algorithms. The main methods of calculating high-pressure apparatus are the use of the general equation of mass transfer using the Lamé formula and the determination of equivalent stresses in the elements of the high-pressure apparatus. Further application of theoretical calculations at the design stage will allow developers to find the optimal geometric shapes and sizes of structural units, based on the loads actually acting during the operation of the installation, which is not always possible using analytical dependencies.


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