



disinfectants, disinfection, “Enzidez”, toxicity of the disinfectant, skin resorptive effect


The dependence of medicine and veterinary medicine on disinfectants is constantly growing due to preventive strategies and the development of resistance in microorganisms. For the possible introduction into production of the developed devices, they must be carefully tested in laboratory and production conditions and meet certain requirements depending on the purpose where they will be used. An important part during the operation of the disinfectant is conducting toxicological studies, which determine the degree of toxicity of the native agent itself and its various concentrations. It is toxicological studies that very often make adjustments to the working concentration of the disinfectant, which can be tested in production conditions. The purpose of the work was to determine the effect of the disinfectant “Enzidez” on the morphological and biochemical indicators of the blood of laboratory animals. When studying the skin-resorptive action of the “Enzidez” disinfectant, it was established that the native agent causes redness and hyperemia of the skin of the tails of animals, and no changes in the amount of liquid were noted. The working 1% solution did not cause irritation or resorptive effect, also observation of laboratory animals during the experiment did not reveal deviations in their behaviour. When examining the morphological and biochemical parameters of the blood of experimental animals after administering to them a 1% solution of "Enzidez" disinfectant, it was established that the morphological parameters were within the permissible values, but in the control group, a 20% increase in the number of leukocytes was noted, and a 1.5-fold increase eosinophils, which indicates an allergic reaction to the drug. Biochemical indicators of blood in the experimental group also differed slightly from the control group, but the changes did not go beyond physiological parameters. Therefore, the obtained results indicate that Enzydez solutions up to 1% concentration are non-toxic, safe and do not significantly disrupt metabolic processes in the body of experimental animals.


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