


babesiosis, piroplasmosis, dog, cat, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hemosiderosis


The article presents the results of the study of the clinical and morphological manifestation, diagnostic comparative changes in blood parameters, as well as some pathohistological aspects of the liver in babesiosis in carnivores (dogs and cats). The results of the general and biochemical examination of the blood were within the physiological norm with minor changes in the composition of the peripheral blood. It has been studied that this is related to the life cycle of the parasite in erythrocytes – as a result of which hemolytic anemia develops, the consequence of which are clinical symptoms of changes in the blood and liver. The general clinical blood analysis of the animals showed that the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is slightly reduced, as well as a strong decrease in platelets and a decrease in the number of leukocytes in dogs by an average of 30.6%, in cats this indicator is reduced by 24.7%, respectively. The decrease in the number of erythrocytes is most likely related to the development of babesia in them, and amounted to 27.9% in dogs and 18.6% in cats. Changes in hemoglobin, erythrocyte, and lymphocyte criteria are a sign of anemic syndrome. A similar result indicates morphological changes and dysfunction of all organs and systems. It was established that the affected erythrocytes were clearly visible in the blood smears, which in most cases had a larger than normal size and acquired an irregular shape. In the field of view of the microscope, anisocytosis and poikilocytosis were observed, which indicates the functional insufficiency of hematopoietic organs in various anemias and is a consequence of the disease. Analysis of the histosection showed that the structure of some liver lobes was changed. A significant amount of bilirubin in hepatocytes. Pronounced hemosiderosis and full blood of the adjacent part of the sinusoids. A small amount of small fat vacuoles is observed in the cytoplasm, which indicates the initial stage of the development of fatty dystrophy. Focal necrosis of hepatocytes with discomplexation of liver tissue and disruption of beams are visualized.


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