



causative agents of canine pyoderma, bacteriophages, staphylococci, lytic phages, bacteriophage preparations


The use of phages for therapeutic purposes in medicine is not a new topic, but at the same time it was forgotten because the effect of using antibiotics was much better. However, with the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, more and more attention is paid to the use of phages, which are lytic to the causative agents of many inflammatory processes. The aim of the work was to evaluate the available bacteriophage preparations on the market of Ukraine and to identify phages specific to the causative agents of canine pyoderma. Microbiological studies on the isolation of microflora were carried out according to methods generally accepted in microbiological practice. Bacteriophage preparations available on the market “Piofag”, “Intestifag” and the developed veterinary drug “Fagomast” did not show lytic activity against the main causative agents of pyoderma in dogs: S. pseudintermedius, S. aureus, and S. schleiferi subsp. coagulans Phages active against cells of staphylococci species S. pseudintermedius and S. schleiferi subsp. coagulans, which were used to develop a bacteriophage preparation. Four phages were isolated that were lytic to each of the four types of staphylococci, in particular, phage S.a 4 is active against S. aureus; phage S.p 2 is lytic against S. pseudintermedius; phage S.she 3 ‒ in relation to S. schleiferi subsp. coagulans; phage S.e 5 ‒ for S. epidermidis. The study of the spectrum of the lytic activity of four staphylococcal phages revealed their predominant specificity for a specific type of bacteria. Therefore, for the lysis of a larger number of causative agents of pyoderma of staphylococcal etiology, it is necessary to develop a phage preparation of the “cocktail” type with the content of various phages.


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