


group, economic efficiency, cost price, winter greenhouses, net profit, technology, productivity, profitability


The article analyzes the economic efficiency of cultivating indeterminate tomato hybrids from various groups in modern winter greenhouses at Dniprovskyi TC LLC. The experimental research was conducted over a period of three years (2021–2023) and involved the indeterminate tomato hybrids Merlis F1 (as the control), Torero F1, DRC-564 F1, Fujimaro F1, and Biorange F1. The study assessed the economic efficiency of cultivation, conducted phenological observations, tracked the dynamics of yield formation, and evaluated the marketability of the fruits produced by these hybrids. Additionally, the research explored the adaptation of the hybrids to the growing conditions of winter greenhouses in Ukraine's Steppe zone. The findings demonstrated an increase in profitability for growing various tomato groups compared to the red-fruited tomato group. Specifically, there was a 17.7% increase in the DRC-564 F1 cherry group, an 8.7% increase in the Yellow Beef Biorange F1 group, and a 4.7% increase in the pink-fruited Fujimaro group. By introducing new hybrids into crop rotations, net profits per square meter could reach UAH 1,280.9/m2 for DRC-564 hybrids, UAH 802.4/m2 for Biorange, and UAH 655.4/m2 for Fujimaro. These results offer valuable insights for greenhouse operations, aiding in the selection of the most economically efficient, highyield, and well-adapted tomato hybrids for cultivation in winter greenhouses, ultimately boosting overall economic efficiency.


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