


vegetable peas, growth and development, varieties, phenophases, vegetation period, interphase period


As a result of symbiosis with nodule bacteria, pea plants are able to assimilate free nitrogen from the atmosphere and accumulate 40–50 kg/ha of nitrogen in the soil during the growing season of the crop, which is equivalent to applying 10 t/ha of manure or 1.5 t/ha of ammonium nitrate. Along with the nutritional value of fresh and processed products, the wide spread of vegetable peas was facilitated by the use in the production of progressive technologies of crop cultivation, which involves the cultivation of highly productive, resistant to lodging, grain overripening, diseases and pests varieties, the use of advanced agrotechnical measures of soil cultivation, preparation of seed material, selection the optimal ratio of varieties of different groups of precocity, the use of an effective system of fertilizer application, protection of plants from weeds, pests and diseases, improvement of methods of collection and delivery of raw materials to processing enterprises. The article presents the results of research on the study of the influence of varieties as a biological factor on the growth and development of pea plants. Ensuring a high level of productivity of green peas in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Western Ukraine is achieved primarily by using high-yielding varieties. A significant impact on the formation of a high-quality harvest in recent years has a significant change in climate, which is manifested in an increase in air temperature and a decrease in the amount of precipitation in the most critical periods of growth and development. It was established that, on average, over the years of research, the technical maturity of Luschylnyi, Amalfi, Vivado, and Vinko varieties occurred 80–87 days after the emergence of seedlings. And in the Glorivert, Sienna and Sherwood varieties, the technical maturity on average over the years of research came 88–97 days after the emergence of seedlings. Photosynthesis and the intensity of growth processes of leguminous crops, including peas, are accompanied by the accumulation of dry matter (vegetative and generative mass) in plants during ontogenesis. However, the intensity of accumulation of dry matter by peas is closely related to the weather conditions of the vegetative period. In all legumes, including green peas, a certain regularity is observed in the accumulation of dry matter.


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