green manure technologies, bioproductivity, leaf and stem mass, root biomass, root system productivity coefficientAbstract
The expediency and effectiveness of green manure farming systems for fulfilling the tasks of the national strategy for soil conservation and soil rehabilitation on the basis of world experience and threats and challenges formed by modern trends in the design and implementation of innovative technologies for growing major crops are substantiated. The peculiarities of formation of aboveground leaf and root biomass of oil radish plants for its use as an effective candidate in the system of the main (field-occupying) or intermediate (post-harvest, post-mowing) crop rotation component for technological green manure were investigated. The evaluation was carried out according to the principles of overall bioproductivity and adaptability of maintaining the appropriate levels of the indicator, taking into account the stressful hydrothermal conditions of the crop growing season and the use of conjugate analysis of the trait value and climatic conditions by the parameters of hydrothermal coefficient, aridity coefficient and moisture coefficient in a ten-year research cycle. The coefficient of productivity of the root system of oil radish plants in terms of the ratio of aboveground and root biomass was analysed and conclusions were drawn about the possibility of growing oil radish in variants of stressful summer intermediate green manure. The sensitivity of the plant bioproductivity index and its derivative indicators, which are determined from the point of view of determination and forecasting, was assessed by correlation analysis in order to evaluate the suitability of the respective territories for the effective use of oil radish as a candidate for bioorganic green manure technologies without fertilisation. The optimal conditions of environmental factors in terms of moisture and daily temperature regime were formed to obtain a stable level of leaf mass yield at the level of 20 t/ha in accordance with the basic requirements for green manure crops.
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