


soil fertility, No-till technology, agrophysical properties of soils, agrochemical properties of soils, humus content, nitrogen content, CO2 sequestration


One of the main causes of agricultural land degradation (primarily arable land) is plowing, or conventional tillage. The degradation of soil quality is a global problem. That is why the agricultural sector in developed countries is moving towards the adoption of soil conservation and energy-saving farming systems. Conversely, a delay in the implementation of soil conservation farming systems in Ukraine will lead to a catastrophe due to the global degradation of soils. Energy-saving soil conservation farming systems are not yet fully studied from a scientific perspective, and therefore most agricultural producers do not fully understand their necessity and economic efficiency. One of the key aspects in this regard is the change of soil properties as a result of the implementation of conservation farming systems (No-till, Strip-till, etc.), as proving positive dynamics can be an additional argument in favor of transitioning to such technologies. Study Area: Kyiv Region, Bila Tserkva District, Bloshchyntsi Village, based on the farm “Mriya” LLC, within Field No. 1. We tracked the dynamics of soil property changes over an extended period, using baseline data from 2005 (when traditional tillage was practiced within the farm) and monitored the changes over 13 years after the introduction of No-till technology in 2007. Soil sampling and determination of soil properties were conducted according to generally accepted and approved research methodologies. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each soil conservation technology, with a particular focus on studying the changes of soil properties resulting from the implementation of No-till technology. The research results show that agro-physical indicators, such as soil bulk density, did not change significantly over the years. Agrochemical indicators, which are more variable over time, showed greater changes, especially the humus content, which increased by 1.4% over the reporting period. There is a positive trend in the increase of easily hydrolyzed nitrogen, which correlates with the increase in humus content. The use of liquid phosphorus starter fertilizers during sowing improved the dynamics of available phosphorus reserves, while the indicators of available potassium tended to decline. The level of micronutrient availability in the soil remains high. A clear trend towards an increase in boron content is observed, along with a simultaneous decrease in the content of other micronutrients, which is a natural phenomenon, as crop residues under No-till technology are the most important source of micronutrient return to the soil. No negative pesticide load on the soil has been observed, according to the obtained data.


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