


agricultural sector, energy crisis, resource management, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, energy independence


The relevance of the research topic is due to a significant increase in energy costs, which directly affects the cost of production of the agricultural sector and its competitiveness. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, as of 2023, the cost of diesel fuel increased by 10–15%, which directly affected the increase in the cost of cultivating one hectare of agricultural land. At the same time, power outages caused by attacks on the energy infrastructure forced agricultural companies to use generators, which significantly increased production costs. These factors are prompting Ukrainian agricultural businesses to look for innovative approaches to resource management in order to ensure the continuity of production processes and prevent further product price increases. This, in turn, requires the development of effective resource management strategies aimed at improving energy efficiency, optimizing costs and ensuring food security. In this context, the aim of the study is to analyses effective resource management strategies in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the context of the current energy crisis, which would ensure production stability, increase productivity and reduce dependence on external energy carriers. The article conducts a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in the Web of Science database in order to identify scientific trends in research on resource management in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the context of the energy crisis. The analysis of 116 relevant scientific articles has revealed that the Russian armed aggression has significantly transformed the research landscape, raising the issues of energy security and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. Accordingly, there is a growing interest of the scientific community in energy efficiency, diversification of energy sources and the introduction of renewable energy technologies in agricultural production. The results obtained indicate that renewable energy sources are increasingly seen as a strategic resource for ensuring sustainable agricultural development and energy independence of Ukraine. It is particularly important that the Ukrainian agricultural sector can ensure its own energy independence through the active use of renewable energy sources. The integration of such sources into production processes not only contributes to energy security but also ensures harmonization with the principles of sustainable development. Studies confirm that effective resource management in the agricultural sector in the context of the energy crisis requires the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energy sources. In particular, the priority areas include modernization of equipment, introduction of energy-saving technologies and active use of solar energy and bioenergy. The implementation of these strategies will not only ensure the stability and competitiveness of agricultural production, but will also help to reduce the carbon footprint and achieve sustainable development goals.


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