



potato, alternaria, late blight, spread, development, biological preparation, productivity


In today’s conditions, the demand for organic food products, including potatoes, is growing. The development of harmful organisms on potatoes leads to annual crop losses, which can be more than 30% due to diseases alone. Phytophthora infestans Mont de Bary and Alternaria solani Sorauer, Alternaria alternata Keis are among the main fungal diseases of potatoes that parasitize during growing season and crop storage. For many years, to protect potatoes from these diseases, repeated spraying with fungicides during the growing season of plants was used, which contributed to the formation of resistance to active substances in pathogens. However, currently, in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment from the use of pesticides and obtaining organic products, the system of protecting potatoes from harmful organisms, including diseases, includes biological preparations. The article highlights the effectiveness of biological preparations against the pathogens of late blight and alternaria. The research was conducted in the conditions of the Berdychiv district of the Zhytomyr region during 2022–2024. The scheme of the experiment consisted of the following options: 1. Without preparations; 2. Applying MycoHelp (2,0 l/ha) to the soil + 3-time treatment with PhytoHelp (1,0 l/ha) during vegetation; 3. Treatment of MycoHelp tubers (2,0 l/t) + 3-time treatment of MycoHelp during vegetation (1,0 l/ha); 4. Treatment of tubers with FitoHelp (1,0 l/t) + 3-time treatment with FitoHelp during vegetation (1,0 l/ha). By using the studied biological preparations, the development and spread of late blight and alternaria was reduced by 1,8–3,2 and 2,4–4,9 times, respectively, compared to the control. The highest percentage in reducing the spread and development of the studied diseases was obtained in the variant with treatment of tubers with FitoHelp (1,0 l/t) + 3-time treatment with the drug FitoHelp during vegetation (1,0 l/ha). Reducing the spread and development of diseases during the growing season of potato plants had a positive effect on the yield and quality of tubers. In particular, an increase in the yield of potato tubers in the range of 2,2–3,1 t/ha was obtained. In the study of quality indicators, an increase in the content of dry matter in variants with the use of biological preparations by 0,07–0.28%, and starch – by 0.2–0.73%, compared to the control was established.


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