Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench., row spacing width, plant density, productivity elements, yield, sugar content, biomassAbstract
The article presents the research results on the influence of cultivation year conditions, row spacing width and sowing density on the formation of plant biometric parameters and the yield and sugar content of sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench.) The crop selected for the study is a bioenergy plant that can provide high yields of solid and liquid biofuels. The research aimed to determine the influence of row spacing width and sowing density on the variability of plant biometric parameters, yield and sugar content of sorghum biomass of sugar variety Favoryt. The following methods were used during the research: field, measurement-weight, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. The research results prove that the increase in the density of sugar sorghum plants at a row spacing of 30 cm (up to 300 thousand plants/ha) causes a decrease in the biometric parameters of plants, and lodging of plants is observed. It was found that increasing the row spacing width up to 75 cm does not lead to a significant increase in the quantitative indicators of plants, and in some cases even reduces them. The optimal phytocoenosis for plant quantitative indicators is formed at a plant density of 200 thousand plants/ha when growing sugar sorghum with row spacing of 45 and 60 cm. The research showed that at a plant density of 200 thousand/ha with a row spacing of 45 cm, the biomass yield increases significantly up to 64.0 t/ha, in contrast to 60 cm, where 57.6 t/ha was obtained; at 75 cm row spacing, the yield was significantly lower (at the level of 55.4 t/ha), and at 30 cm it reached only 55.1 t/ha at the same plant density. Increasing and decreasing plant density does not lead to a significant increase in biomass yield. The sugar content of sugar sorghum biomass was found to be the highest in the variants of growing plants of 45 cm (13.2–13.3%), both narrowed and wider row spacing significantly reduced this indicator (up to 10.5–11.4%) Thus, coenotic factors (row spacing width and plant stem density) significantly influence the level of green mass yield. The highest value was obtained at the density of 200 thousand/ha of sugar sorghum plants at a row spacing of 45 cm. However, plant density does not always influence sugar content and this indicator is more influenced by the row spacing width and the cultivation year conditions.
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