calendula, sowing time, agro-ecological conditions, field germination, plant survival, plant growth regulators, desiccationAbstract
The article presents the results of the study of the features of the formation of the productivity of calendula (Calendula officinalis L.) of the “Sonyachna Krasunya” variety and the substantiation of techniques for obtaining high yield of seeds with optimal quality indicators. It was found that the use of the plant growth regulator Stimpo increased germination by 7%, and Regoplant by 3%, compared to the control variant. Also, over the years of research, the effectiveness of the regulators increased from the first sowing date to the third. As a result of the analysis of the yield structure, it was noted that the number of seed baskets per metre varied over the years and depended on the factors studied. The largest number of them was formed on average in 2022 (328.1 pcs.), the smallest number in 2023 – 258.3 pcs. There is a tendency to increase the number of baskets per unit area when using growth regulators. The treatment of seeds and vegetative plants with Stimpo provided an increase in control of 54.6 units, and Regoplant – 30.2 units per 1 m2. In addition, it was noted that the weight of seeds per unit area decreases from the first sowing period to the third, but the use of Stimpo increases by 34.8 g/m2, and Regoplant – by 19.9 g/m2. The maximum seed weight was obtained with the use of Stimpo growth regulator in the first sowing term – 139.4 g/m2, the minimum – in the control at the third sowing term – 84.7 g/m2. It was found that sowing dates had a significant impact on the yield of conditioned seeds. Thus, the yield of conditioned seeds per hectare at the first sowing date was 991 kg, which is 177 kg (18%) more than at the second and 211 kg (22%) more than at the third sowing date. Growth regulators (regardless of other factors) significantly increased seed yields, with Stimpo yielding 168 kg/ha higher and Regoplant 159 kg/ha higher. However, the effectiveness of the preparations was higher at the first and second sowing dates. The increase to the control at the first sowing date from the use of Stimpo growth regulator was 241.0 kg/ha, Regoplant – 169.5 kg/ha, at the third sowing date – 241.5 kg/ha and 166.5 kg/ha, respectively. The treatment of calendula of the “Sonyachna Krasunya” variety with Speka desiccant increased the yield of conditioned seeds to 84.2% against 74.4% in the control.
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