


foods of corrosion, transformer of blight, coverages, modifier of blight, phosphoric acid, hardware’s, transformations, phosphating


Composition of soil of transformer of blight, and technology of causing of coverages, is expounded in the article. The mechanisms of corrosive and electrochemical behavior of are analyzed in the aggressive operating environments of agrarian production. Opening history, classification and application of transformers of foods of corrosion (to the blight), due to which a necessity is not for the complete moving away of foods of corrosion from the surface of metal during realization of work overs, domains, is described. The transformers of blight enter into a reaction with foods of corrosion, forming a protective layer, which prevents further corrosion and is kind basis for causing of materials. Compositions over of transformers of home production and technology of their causing are also brought. At the observance of technology and account of compatibility of materials, application of transformers of blight substantially reduces charges on slushing defense. Charges go down at causing of coverage due to combination of operations. It is well-proven that a deficit of equipment is for high-quality preparation of surface of metal before overcoating, realization of anti-corrosion defense, corrosive control and considerable there is a volume of works from anti-corrosion defense of metal structures in the so-called «field terms», when a surface before overcoating is anyhow cleaned out by metallic brushes, by unrefined sand and others like that. Such «preparation», except superfluous charges, practically does not give a positive effect, as after causing on the badly geared-up surface of metal of coverage subpellicle corrosion, which destroys a construction quickly, develops under it. However, such practice is widely widespread during the gasket of water carriers, gas networks of middle pressure, repair of bridges, towers and others like that. In Ukraine, there is the worked-out equipment for high-quality supersonic, hydroabrasive preparation of surface. The problem of maintenance of machines is analyzed in small economies as compared, which apply the expensive imported materials and technique in-process. Skilled specialists, able to engage in service and repair, failing also. Therefore, an actual theme is realization of searching researches for development of methodology of proceeding in paints and varnishes coverages of agricultural technique, which does not require high qualification of personnel and considerable charges. It is well-proven that by the most widespread method of moving away of foods of corrosion from a surface, except tooling, there is acid digestion which has substantial defects: part of surface of metal of detail dissolves together with moving away of foods of corrosion; acid fogs, harmful for organs breathing, appear; there is a requirement in utilizations of sewages, which appear as a result of washing of metallic purveyances after acid digestion. The offered alternative method of treatment of surface of metal structures is for the use of transformers of blight.


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